IKM achieves Return Path Certification

E-mail certification will result in more reliable e-mailing and receipt of tests and results notifications. New Jersey – USA – Thursday, February 18, 2010 IKM, a leading provider of web-based employee and candidate knowledge measurement solutions and services,...

IKM adds aptitude tests to its library

Already providing more than 800 tests across most disciplines, IKM now extends its offering to include psychology testing for improved candidate selection. New Jersey – Monday, June 15, 2009 IKM, a leading provider of web-based employee and candidate knowledge...

IKM enhances its assessment administration system

IKM’s latest product enhancements allows tests to be scheduled, managed, and reported more quickly with added options. New Jersey – Wednesday, April 16, 2008 IKM, a leading provider of online employee and candidate knowledge measurement solutions and services,...